(County Public Health Department warns of heat related illness)....They say the extreme temperatures can cause serious health problems.
The Health Department says high temperatures can cause heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death. So far this year there have been a total of 40 heat related illnesses. The numbers include 4 deaths, 1 heat stroke, 19 cases of heat exhaustion and 16 other heat related illnesses such as heat fatigue and dehydration. During extreme heat conditions residents are encouraged to take appropriate precautions, stay hydrated, wear light, loose fitting clothes. Stay in-doors in an air conditioned area, check on neighbors, especially the elderly and very young. If you need to go outdoors, know where the Cool Centers and Hydration Stations are located. Lists are available at the Health Department website.. For those who work outdoors, have plenty of water available, take breaks often and in the shade. If you feel ill, get medical attention, or go somewhere you can cool down. The current excessive Heat Warning will remain in effect at least through Friday. Elevated temperatures can be expected for the next couple months.