(Special IID meeting Tuesday afternoon)....The meeting was to deal with a resolution.
The resolution expressed disapproval of the conduct of Division 4 Director Javier Gonzalez. The resolution implements actions to be taken. The resolution says the director violated several Imperial Irrigation District policies, including the standards of conduct policy, the social media policy, the ethics policy, the harrassment policy and the whistleblower policy.. All of the Directors received an anonymous letter containing various accusations, most of which were inproven. Policy dictates when this haapens the anonymous letter is to be turned over to the General Manager and others in order for the accusation to be investigated before any further action is taken. Gonzalez did not do that, instead, he published the letter on facebook.. The names were redacted, but the positions the people held were not. The resolution admonishes Gonzalez for the actions and policy violations, directs him to comply with the IID Social Media Policy, remove his IID email account from his facebook account, change the name of his faceboo account so it cannot be confused with an IID official account. It recommends he complete additional training relating to governance and ethics. Until he complies with the training and complies with the social media policy, the director is inelegible for any IID related travel, either by reimbursement or use of P-Card. He will also be reieved from all inyernal and external committee assignments for the rest of the calendar year.