(The IID is advising the public)....Fraudulent activity has been on the rise.
It is in the form of scam calls to IID customers. The District has received reports from several customers over the last few days, in both Imperial and Coachella Vallies. They state that they have been solicited by fraudulent callers who threaten to disconnect their electricity if payment is not immediately made.. The Imperial Irrigation District is asking for the public's help in stopping these fraud attempts. They are asking customers, if they are contacted by anyone in this threatening manner, by phone, email, text etc., to call the district directly at 1-800-303-7756. You will be able to speak directly with an IID representative about your account and verify if IID was attempting to contact you. Do not rely on caller I.D. Many scammers have attempted to spoof IID's telephone number, masking the District's real phone number to make it look like the IID is legitimately calling the customer. Do not redial the number on caller ID. Contact the IID directly at the 1-800 number given. They say if customers act quick enough, it could make a difference. The IID says disconnects are notified by mail and not over the phone.