Representatives of the Imperial Irrigation District testified at an informational hearing before the California State Assembly's Water, Parks and Wildlife standing committee.
On Tuesday, May, 2, 2023, IID Board Vice President and California's Colorado River Commissioner JB Hamby, and IID Water Department Manager Tina Shields, testified on how Southern California is preparing for climate impacts to water supplies.
Hamby spoke on the history of the development of the Colorado River's water users, the Law of the River, programs and agreements that maintain the state's use within the 4.4 million acre-feet entitlement, and the next steps toward a consensus-based alternative to the Bureau of Reclamation's Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Hamby said, " California is working with our in-state stakeholders, Basin Tribes, Mexico, and the United States to be able to deal with the challenges in the next short-term basis and in the long-term."
Shields provided an overview of IID's current water conservation measures. Highlighting that the district has conserved over 7.2 million acre-feet since implementation of the Quantification Settlement Agreement. She also addressed impacts to the Salton Sea and the district's proposal to conserve an additional 1 million acre-feet of water over the next four years.