The United States Bureau of Reclamation has presented several proposals for handling reductions of water deliveries to Colorado River users.
There were two options presented Tuesday. One alternative would see water reductions based on existing priority rights. A second alternative would see the federal agency impose equal cuts among water users. The first alternative would see agencies with senior water rights, such as the Imperial Irrigation District, fare better than other less senior water rights holders.
Imperial Irrigation District General Manager Henry Martinez issued a statement on the draft Supplemental Environment Impact Stement (SEIS). " IID remains committed to being part of a seven-state consensus that protects the Colorado River system. The district looks forward to fully reviewing the draft SEIS and its components and its continued cooperation with Reclamation and the Basin States and Basin Tribes." The IID's statement went on to say that the district continues to have concerns with any alternative that involves "equal cuts" among water users. Adding that the priority system is a foundational element of Colorado River water management and planning and provides tools to address the very shortage circumstances the system is now experiencing.