(Carlos Ortiz is the County Ag Commissioner)...He is also the Sealor of Weights and Measures.
Ortiz announced the National Conference on Weights and Measures annually proclaims March 1st through the 7th as National Weights and Measures week. Those are the dates designated every year to commemorate President John Adams's signing of the first United States weights and measures law on March 2nd 1799. This year's theme is Collaborating with Partners and Stakeholders for a Greater Measure of Equity.. Weights and Measures inspectors work year round to ensure equity in the marketplkace for both consumers and businesses. They ensure accuracy of commercial weighing and measuring devices, enforce the quality, advertising and labeling standards for most petroleum products, and through price verification, ensure that the lowest price advertised, listed, or labeled for any specific item at a store location is the price charged to the consumer. If you suspect a problem in any of the areas mentioned, contact them and they will investigate all complaints received. For more information or details as to what they do, contact their webstite agcom.imperialcounty.org/.