(Camarena Public Library)...They are giving gifts to Veterans.
The library says it is a small token of appreciation. Through Thursday evening, Camarena Memorial Library is offering a gift bag to all veterans. They say it is there way of saying thank you for your service. Imperial Valley College is hosting a Veterans Day Celebration. It will be held on Thursday, November 10th. The celebration will be on the Student Affairs Lawn from 11 am until 1 pm. They say it will be a community event where all active duty, dependents, veterans and supporters of the US Military are welcome. The event will include Colors presented by by the Naval Air Facility El Centro Color Guard, the pledge of allegiance, singing of the national anthem, a TAPS tribute to fallen heroes and guest speakers and Veterans Brandon Brown and Scotty De La Torre of the local nonprofit Reps4Vets. Lunch will be provided by IVC's on-campus food service provider, Amy's Snack Shack.