(County Board of Supervisors facing a deficit)….The issue came up at this week’s Board meeting.

The Supervisors were presented a package of adjustments that would balance the budget. Not all the Supervisors agreed with the adjustments. Supervisors Mike Kelley and Ryan Kelley voted against the adjustments. The vote was 3-2 and Chairman of the Board Luis Plancarte seeing a simple majority in favor declared the issue had been approved. It was pointed out that a four fifths majority was needed to approve a budgetary item. After taking a break, County Counsel Adam Crook announced the only way to resolve the issue was to re-take the vote. The Board said a special meeting would be scheduled to discuss the issue and take a new vote. That meeting has been scheduled for 3:00 this afternoon. A Balanced budget needs to be approved by June 30th, before the start of the next fiscal year.