(The Governor signed AB 918 into law this past weekend)....Since then, there has been very little official comment.
The bill sets in motion the creation of a single Healthcare District for Imperial County. The City of El Centro and the Heffernan Memorial Healthcare District supported the bill. The County of Imperial and the Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District did not. Those opposed to the bill said they were not against the concept of the bill, but they did oppose the way it was written. They said the bill did not allow for equal representation on the new Healthcare District Board. The City of El Centro has now issued an official statement. The statement thanks the Governor for signing the bill into law. El Centro Mayor Martha Cardenas-Singh said the creation of a single Healthcare District will provide an improved healthcare system with equitable access by every resident in the Imperial Valley. ECRMC Board President Tomas Oliva also thanked Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia and State Senator Padilla for authoring the bill.