(County Supervisors to hold their regular weekly meeting)....The Board goes into public session at 10 am.
They Supervisors will begin the meeting by adopting a resolution to honor Felipe Romero, Eligibility Technician Supervisor. He will be recognized for his 32 years of service to the County. They will be asked to approve 3 proclamations. One declares September as National Recovery Month. Another declares September as National Suicide Prevention Month, and the thiurd declares September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The action calendar begins with an introduction to Jamie Asbury, the new General Manager for the Imperial Irrigation District. There will be a presentation on the Catholic Charities Day Center in El Centro. The Board will be asked to approve a year-end discretionary bonus for regular fulltime and limited term County Employees. If approved, the bonus would be paid on November 17th. Bonuses would also be considered for elected officials. The Supervisors will discuss an MOU with San Diego State University and San Diego State University, Imperial Valley Campus to develop academic and Community development cooperation. Community Benefit Program issues will be discussed. The Board will also consider permit fee waivers for Niland Fire victims