The Imperial County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday.
The Board received a status update on solar development in the Valley. According to Planning and Development Director Jim Minnick, in the past 12 years the County has processed nearly 60 utility scale solar projects. Minnick said that the combination of approved and pending solar projects in the County covers slightly over 28,000 acres with nearly 21,000 acres being on agricultural lands. He added that solar development continues in the Valley, but, regulations are helping reduce impacts on cultivated farmland.
The Board approved a contract with A&N Quality Builders for the construction of a 4,700 square foot building in Seeley. The facility will house the County Fire Department and serve as a public cooling center. Cost of the project is not to exceed $5.17 million.
The Board honored Assistant Auditor-Controller Shelly Smail for 31 years of service to the county. Smail will retire at the end of this month.