(There are a lot of rumors flying around about the state of healthcare in the Imperial Valley).....Especially with what is going on at El Centro Regional Medical Center.

In December, the El Centro City Council notified the ECRMC Hospital Board of Trustees their services were no longer needed and the council took over as the Board of the city owned hospital. In early January the hospital's new CEO announced the El Centro hospital would be closing their obstetrics and pediatric department with deliveries and pediatric services moved to Pioneers Memorial Hospital. The abrupt changes in leadership at the El Centro hospital spurred numerous rumors and demands for answers from medical staff and citizens. Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District, who had assumed the pediatrics and obstetrics departments, say they have met with El Centro Regional management, but they do not know many details. They will be discussing what they do know with the County Board of Supervisors at the January 24th Board meeting, and before that, at the Brawley City Council Meeting Tuesday, January 17th. The City Council meeting in Brawley begins at 6:00 pm. Two members of the County Board of Supervisors have requested to meet with ECRMC/City of El Centro officials to get more information.