(Sacramento releases a synopsis of new laws)...They go into effect with the New Year.

One new law extends a consisting law. It requires workplaces to continue providing employees with COVID 19 exposure notifications until 2024. The California minimum wage goes up to $15.50 per hour. Beginning with the New Year phone calls will be free to people detained in California prisons and jails.. Pedestrians will be able to jaywalk without getting a ticket. AB 44 bans the sale and manufacturing of new fur clothing and accessories. It does not apply to used fur products, leather, cowhide, faux fur or shearling. Later in the new year, Care Court will launch new judicial branches in six California Counties in October, which would provide court-ordered mental health care to severly mentally ill, unhoused people. Those counties are Glenn, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne. The rest of the state is expected to implement the new system by the end of 2024