
(IID hits a new peak)…It happened Tuesday.

The Imperial Irrigation District says between the hours of 4-5 pm Tuesday, the IID reached a new peak load of 1,076 megawatts. The peak is the total amount of energy demanded on the electrical system. The District says they have adequate power supplies to meet its demand, but they are asking customers to conserve energy, especially during the hours of 4-8 pm. When energy use is at its highest. This will ease the strain on the electrical grid, lowering the amount of costly power the District needs to purchase. All summer long, the District is advising customers to conserve energy by setting thermostats at 78 or higher, turning off lights and fans when leaving a room and giving major appliances a break during the peak hours of the afternoon. Customers can download the IID Customer Connect mobile application or visit for more energy saving tips and information on energy efficiency programs