
(City of Imperial is looking for a new Police Chief)…They are looking to fill the vacancy left by Chief Miguel Colon Jr.

This week the City Council approved a contract with Bob Murray and Associates to begin the recruitment for a New Chief of Police. The Chief of Police is a contract employee with the City of Imperial that reports directly to the City Manager. In the interim, the Imperial police Department is under the administration of Acting Deputy Chief Leonard J. Barra and Acting Deputy Chief Mario Luna. Barra has over 20 years experience in Law Enforcement. He has been with the Imperial Police Department since 2000. Barra is currently the Administrative Sergeant for the Department and President of the Imperial County Gang Intelligence Coalition. Luna is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He has been involved in law enforcement since 1997, an officer since 2004 and employed with the City of Imperial since 2006. Barra and Luna assumed Acting Deputy Chief duties in April.