
(MANA Scholarship ceremony)….It was held earlier this week.

MANA de Imperial Valley held their annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony at Imperial Valley College. Receiving scholarships this year were; Arely Bueno, a graduate of Brawley Union High School. She graduated with a 4.02 Grade Point Average. Mithzeri Carranza, a graduate of Central Union High School, who graduated with a 3.5 GPA. Elena Castro graduated with a GPA of 4.19. Norma Damian Vilchez graduated from Calipatria High with a GPA of 4.14. Ian Munoz graduated from Southwest High School with a 3.5 GPA. Bryanne Sanchez Graduated from Imperial High School with a GPA of 4.17. Brian Toji, who graduated from Brawley Union High School with a GPA of 4.35 MANA de Imperial Valley, an organization of Latinas, raises the annual scholarship funds through fundraisers held throughout the year.